Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Isaac walking

And he's off....

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Isaac's 1st Birthday

Check out this great video of Isaac enjoying his 1st birthday cake and first real taste of sugar! Special appearances by Andy, Jack and Alicia Elbert, Aaron, Shefa and Jonah Sharkey, Lea Rominquet and Daddy Marc. We're so proud of our little boy and can't believe that we now have a toddler... my god! This past year has been crazy and I feel like the whirlwind is yet to come. Isaac has grown sooo much in this past month. It seems like he changes a bit more each day. You can see him become more aware of himself and the world around him. I love seeing things through his eyes and feel this strong sense of responsibility to show him as much of the world as I can. Phew...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Balloon curiosity

Balloon curiosity, originally uploaded by urbanbrat89.

Love this picture of Isaac, taken at our friend Gia's 2nd Birthday Party. He's getting to be such a big boy and is curious about everything... including balloons.

I love how he just studies something new so intensely. Today we had our pre-op appointment for Isaac's debumping and he was facinated for about 15 minutes with the LPN's mouse with a red tracking light. They also gave us a little oxygen mask for him to take home and play with. He loved watching me put it over my mouth and then placing it over his mouth. I hope he's just as interested on the day of the actual surgery.

More on that soon...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Almost One

Can you believe it?  We have almost hit the one year mark and in the last couple of weeks Isaac has hit some important milestones:
  • First steps
  • Standing on his own
  • Clapping 
  • Things go in things
  • Here take this (handing Mama different objects)
  • Words like Dada, Mama, that and yay (those last two are still intelligible to any one else but Marc and me)
  • Sign language ~ more
  • Dancing... the kid has rhythm!
  • Temper... especially if he is hungry or tired
  • 6 new teeth ~ 4 on top and 2 new ones on the bottom for a total of 8 chompers.
  • Sleeping 11 1/2 hours each night... thank GOD!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Isaac in the Kitchen

Isaac loves to hang out with us while we cook or do dishes. He has a cabinet and a drawer that has a few items that he can pull out and play with. As you can also hear he's gotten to be quite the chatter bug. He's pulling up and standing on his own more and more. He also is beginning to understand what we are saying to him... not that he pays much attention to our warnings. We have been having fun at the YMCA pool and swimming once or twice a week. I'll try to get some pictures or video of that posted soon.