Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cousinly Love...

Isn't this the cutest thing you've ever seen???

Aaron hugging on "Baby" (aka: Isaac)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Isaac's Bradley Birth Class Reunion

We had a lovely brunch at our house on Sunday with the other members of our birth class. It was nice to finally get together and talk about being new parents as well as our birth experiences. Sabrina and Matt brought their beautiful daughter Cassidy (born May 8th) and Monica and Jean brought handsome Philip (born March 23rd). We've decided to get together once a month so that we can stay caught up with each other and see how the kids are growing up.

Monica and I are considering doing a nanny share together and are currently interviewing potential candidates. I am excited about the boys being able to be together and in a more one on one care environment.
Monica and Isaac hanging out
Our boys!

Sweet Cassidy

I have posted some new pictures on Shutterfly.

Monday, May 12, 2008

One Month Old Already?!?

Our little boy is a month old already! This evening we are returning to our Bradley instructors home to tell Isaac's birth story to a group of expectant parents. What a wonderful way to commemorate his first month. I asked Shefa to upload his birth video to the share drive so that I could watch it for the first time this evening before we go.

I am really looking forward to seeing his arrival for the first time. A good majority of that day is a blur. However, those last couple of hours as I began to push are the clearest memories that I have. I remember the Dr. telling me that his heart rate was concerning her and that I needed to get him out in the next couple of pushes or they would have to do a vacuum extraction. I worked hard to get him out in the next couple of contractions. Because there was meconium in the amniotic fluid they had to suction his mouth and nose out as soon as his head appeared. Once the Dr. gave me the okay to push again he was out and on my chest. The only word that I can find to describe that moment is STUNNING. After all of those months imagining my little boy, there he was on my chest. I was able to see his wonderous face for the first time and it was more than my brain could take in for a minute. I still look at him with the same sense of awe and study his face every day... I really cannot get enough of him.

This month has had some challenges but over all it has been an amazing experience. We have been blessed with a miracle of a little boy and I love him immeasurably. He has become my teacher andI learn more and more about him and myself every day. Right now he is swaddled and in his vibrating bouncer sleeping so soundly. Marc keeps threatening to eat him up because he looks like a little morsal. I have to say that I am very impressed with the kind of Dad he is turning into. He is very loving with Isaac and I can see how much joy he gets from him.

I am posting the last month's pictures on shutterfly... enjoy!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Third Week

Today is our first day really on our own. Marc's Mom headed back to Florida today and it will be another month before we have house guests again. I have to admit that I was really looking forward to having this time to get us in a routine, but now I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the enormity of being the only one here to take care of Isaac while Marc is at work. I feel like a newbie again and it is a little scary. Like every other experience that I have had so far being a new Mom it will take some time to adjust. I also have to remember that I have people I can call for support and my family is right downstairs.

This past week we hit a couple of new milestones. First was Marc's Birthday on May 1st, he's joined me in the 38 year club. Since he was away on business Isaac and I made him a special birthday card and emailed it to him.

We have discovered that Isaac likes to do imitations of celebrities... well one in particular, Bill Cosby. Aaron used to make a similar face when he was this age and it always cracked me up.

Isaac is also a very strong little boy. He can already pick up his head while he's on his stomach and turn it from side to side. He doesn't like to sleep on his back, his wild arms tend to wake him up. I've tried swaddling him but he ends up kicking off the wrap. So, we've resorted to letting him sleep on his stomach. This is a big SIDS no no, but according to the research I've done as long as he is strong enough to move his head he should be okay. It has made me a bit paranoid, but the wisdom when I was a baby was to put children on their stomach... I survived obviously.

Isaac also had his first bath in his tub this past week. You'll notice the brown stain around his belly button, which was caused by medication that he had to have applied to allow it to heal up.

Here are a few more pictures from this past week...
Sleepy Mommy