Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 5th...A New Era

Well, last night we as a nation came together in a way that we have not in years. As Isaac slept soundly upstairs, I sat with my family and watched Barak Obama's acceptance speach as the President Elect of the United States. I have never felt my heart strings be tugged so strongly as they were listening to him speak. The words of my father earlier that day rang in my ears..."Now my grandson can run for President." It also means that some day our daughters could be president. Maybe our first Latino or Asian or Gay President will happen in my lifetime or in Isaac's. I have always envied the JFK generation, what it must have been like to be alive during that time. But now, we have our own hope that things can change. Maybe we can stop burning out our planet or being afraid of our neighbors or being at war or our financial wellbeing. It gives me something to pray for...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Things they are a changin'

Isaac is really developing a great personality. He's a pretty laid back and easy going kid, unless he is tired. He's very curious and determined which has him developing a little faster than most kids his age. He's crawling on his belly and starting to use his legs to propel himself forward. He loves to stand, with our support and is great at sitting up by himself. Thankfully he has his fried Ceclia, who is a month older, and cousin Aaron to keep him motivated to keep up. He's proving to be as active as he was my belly. I will need to get in much better shape to keep up with this kid. He loves to smile and laugh...not surprising he is a pretty social kid. Though he does well playing alone too.

I really hope we don't screw this kid up!!!

He's sleeping really well right now, though I would love it if he would wake up at 7 instead of 6 every morning. During the week I really need that extra hour before he gets up so that I can get organized and ready for my day. I am having to learn how to be more disciplined about going to bed at 10pm and not 12 am, just to feel a bit rested. I'm tired of just being ready to collapse mentally and physically at then end of each day. Going back to work has proven to be a bit challenging, but all in all things are coming together. Especially since I have just been back to work a month. It is a bigger transition than I realized. I have been given a bit more responsibility by my bosses and have moved over to sales engineer. Which means that I will be callig on electrical contractors, and dealing with their issues. Should be interesting, especially given the current state of our economy and our nation.

Wow! I really am too tired. On that note here is te link to the October pictures on Shutterfly .

Sweet dreams to all!

Isaac's First Halloween

Halloween has come and gone already!?! This year is just zipping by...what else is new? We made a trip down to San Luis Obispo to visit Aunt Reen and Uncle Mike so that we could start the festivities off right. Aunt Reenie, Isaac and I made a trip to the local pumpkin patch and he got to choose his first punkin (with a little help from mom). He also gave them a sneak preview of his costume. It was such a great visit. I hope to make it an annual pilgrimage.

The Saturday before Halloween we attended the Piedmont Ave parade with Jonah, Shefa and Bob the Builder(aka Aaron). Finally, on Halloween we went to my office for a spooky party with all of my co-workers. Thre were some great costumes, who knew engineers were such a creative bunch? Isaac was a big hit as the littlest ninja. Then we joined our Mom's Group friends for a parade in Montclair. A very FULL day.