Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Little Boy

When I went to the sitter's place this evening to pick up Isaac I found that the baby that I dropped off this morning had morphed into a little boy. I walked in the door and he was standing in his apparent favorite spot at the corner of the coffee table and the couch. He was inching his way to his intended target, his yellow and orange striped toy cat. Remember I said he was determined... Anyway, he looked up and gave me the BIGGEST grin and giggled in pure delight. What an awesome way to be greeted at the end of a long day!

Isaac has a lot to say these days.

Also, I've been solo parenting this week while Marc is in the ATL... Hotlanta that is. In the meanwhile it has gotten quite chilly here! Check out Isaac in his get up this morning.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ha Haaaaa Mamma!

Who me? I'm sooo innocent.... just ignore the mess ;)

I can take things out of things...

Ummm... just ignore me.

Here... let me move these around a bit.

After scattering my diapers all over the floor I decided to cruise the ottoman.

Check out the mischievous smile on this kids face!

Isaac giggles

Isaac had a giggle fest the other night at dinner time...

Where the heck did this year go?

2008 will end in just a few weeks and it has me wondering where this year went! It makes my head swim to think back to this time last year. I was 5 months pregnant... looking a bit like this.

Now I am the mother of an 8 month old! It is almost too much for my little brain to comprehend. The woman in this picture really has no clue as to what is in store for her.

Isaac is so active, lovable, funny, determined (I think I mentioned that in my last post), curious, and has a strange love of electrical cords and generally anything else that is dangerous around the house. We are in major child proofing mode and have had to tape, plug, hide, sweep, vacuum and build fortresses around anything hazardous. Try crawling around your house and you'll be surprised to find booby traps everywhere! He's been pulling himself up to standing for a month now and is starting to figure out how to cruise the furniture. He particularly loves my dresser and seems to want to climb up it... if he could only figure out how?!?

We went in for his check up and vaccines on Friday and he's 18.9 lbs and 27 1/2 inches long now. He's eating 3 meals a day and is 100% on formula. It's made me a bit sad to give up breastfeeding, a disappointing side effect of going back to work. I'm grateful that I was able to give him 7 months of the good stuff. I'm pretty impressed with his willingness to try new foods and so far we've only had one allergic reaction... spinach. Guess we'll have to wait for his Popeye imitation.

I have uploaded a ton of pictures from November, if you get a second check them out .

More to come VERY soon!