Monday, May 12, 2008

One Month Old Already?!?

Our little boy is a month old already! This evening we are returning to our Bradley instructors home to tell Isaac's birth story to a group of expectant parents. What a wonderful way to commemorate his first month. I asked Shefa to upload his birth video to the share drive so that I could watch it for the first time this evening before we go.

I am really looking forward to seeing his arrival for the first time. A good majority of that day is a blur. However, those last couple of hours as I began to push are the clearest memories that I have. I remember the Dr. telling me that his heart rate was concerning her and that I needed to get him out in the next couple of pushes or they would have to do a vacuum extraction. I worked hard to get him out in the next couple of contractions. Because there was meconium in the amniotic fluid they had to suction his mouth and nose out as soon as his head appeared. Once the Dr. gave me the okay to push again he was out and on my chest. The only word that I can find to describe that moment is STUNNING. After all of those months imagining my little boy, there he was on my chest. I was able to see his wonderous face for the first time and it was more than my brain could take in for a minute. I still look at him with the same sense of awe and study his face every day... I really cannot get enough of him.

This month has had some challenges but over all it has been an amazing experience. We have been blessed with a miracle of a little boy and I love him immeasurably. He has become my teacher andI learn more and more about him and myself every day. Right now he is swaddled and in his vibrating bouncer sleeping so soundly. Marc keeps threatening to eat him up because he looks like a little morsal. I have to say that I am very impressed with the kind of Dad he is turning into. He is very loving with Isaac and I can see how much joy he gets from him.

I am posting the last month's pictures on shutterfly... enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also cannot believe that Isaac is one month old already! It feels like yesterday that we were there, holding and loving him. I miss him...but I know that Zayde and I will see him, and you, my dears, this summer. I think you are both becoming amazing parents. Your feelings shine through in your words, Elisa, and I'm so glad you are sharing them with us. We love all three of you, with a special kiss for Isaac.
Love, Bubbi / Arlene