Monday, June 9, 2008

Two whole months old!!!

Where has the time gone????? I really cannot believe that Isaac was born 8 weeks ago today...56 days completely entranced by this our boy. He has changed so much already and I love seeing the new things that he learns each day. He's smiling every day an reciprocates when you smile and talk to him. He is making sounds like aaaahhhh, aooooaooo, ooooohhhh, and maaaaaahhh and I am able to distinguish 4 different cries.
One is more of him going gaaaah, gaaahh at increasing intensity, which means please come here I'm lonely. I usually hear this in protest to being left alone while he is in his swing, bouncy seat, boppy or bassinet for longer than a couple of moments. There is the more urgent mmmmaaah, mmmaaaaaaaaah, which means that he's hungry and I'm not getting his food to him fast enough. It's close cousin is the full on aaaaaaaahhhhh, maaahh screech which tells me that he is over tired and I'm in for a couple of hours of nursing, dozing, and crying before he finally crashes. Lastly, there is the full on blood curtling, skin crawling, yawell, which makes your heart break and has no discernable cause or cure.
He is reaching for objects overhead and will hold the edge of my top while he nurses. Which is really the sweetest thing. He is still sleeping quite a bit, but does take longer naps now. I consistantly get a 4-5 hour stretch each night followed by two hour stretches, which allow us to slowly wake up. We have been taking walks in our stroller which knocks Isaac out in a matter of minutes. He slept in it for two hours on Saturday as we walked around Sausalito and enjoyed the warm day by the bay.

Next Monday Marc and I will celebrate our one year anniversary...what a wild year this has been!

I have added pictures to Shutterfly...

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