Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I love being a Mom when...

I had to post this picture of Isaac which I believe is from the 4th of July. Lately he and I have been having these amazing conversations where I chat to him about different topics and he just laughs, smiles, goos and gaaaahs back at me, and gives me the occasional raspberry. Some times I will sing him a song and it seems like he tries to sing along...or is laughing at my poor pitch and tone. These are some of my most precious moments with him. I love this intense one on one connection we share. It is like nothing else I have ever experienced.


Danaly said...

So happy to hear how you are enjoying being home with Isaac! We miss you guys!

The Ledfords said...

What a cutie!! I can't believe how much he is changing!

Anonymous said...

arlene said...

Wow! Isaac IS really changing! He's just getting cuter and cuter-his personality is shining through. We can't wait to see him (I know, I sound like a broken record, but it's true...)
Kiss any part that's bare for me!
Love you,
Arl / Bubbi