Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Changing Seasons

Fall is here! This has always been one of my favorite seasons. I love the crispness in the air and the smell of the leaves as they change. It also reminds me of fresh starts, like the first day of school. This fall has been even more special because it marked Isaac's 6th month birthday and my return to work.

In addition, the fall brings the close of the Jewish year. This years High Holy Day services were more meaningful to me because I got to share them with Isaac for the first time. We attended both Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services at Chomat with Shefa and Aaron. I found myself moved to tears several times as we prayed, sang and danced together. Isaac even wore my tallis for a short while and played with the tzitzit. This brought back very moving memories of me by my father's side during services and wrapping the corner of his tallis around my shoulder and running the tzitzit through my fingers as I tried to amuse myself and be as close to him as possible as a child.

Isaac continues to change on almost a daily basis. After a few weeks of practicing today he remembered that he could sit up on his own and proceeded to show off his new skill several times this evening. One thing that I recognize about my son is that once he does something new, like rolling over or sitting up, he takes a couple week break and then one day decides that he's ready to do it all of the time.

We have an appointment next week with a plastic surgeon to discuss his bump and make a decision if and when it should be removed. I'm a bit nervous about the pain that it might cause him. However, in the end I am sure it will be okay.

I will post more soon... I promise :)

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