Monday, November 3, 2008

Things they are a changin'

Isaac is really developing a great personality. He's a pretty laid back and easy going kid, unless he is tired. He's very curious and determined which has him developing a little faster than most kids his age. He's crawling on his belly and starting to use his legs to propel himself forward. He loves to stand, with our support and is great at sitting up by himself. Thankfully he has his fried Ceclia, who is a month older, and cousin Aaron to keep him motivated to keep up. He's proving to be as active as he was my belly. I will need to get in much better shape to keep up with this kid. He loves to smile and laugh...not surprising he is a pretty social kid. Though he does well playing alone too.

I really hope we don't screw this kid up!!!

He's sleeping really well right now, though I would love it if he would wake up at 7 instead of 6 every morning. During the week I really need that extra hour before he gets up so that I can get organized and ready for my day. I am having to learn how to be more disciplined about going to bed at 10pm and not 12 am, just to feel a bit rested. I'm tired of just being ready to collapse mentally and physically at then end of each day. Going back to work has proven to be a bit challenging, but all in all things are coming together. Especially since I have just been back to work a month. It is a bigger transition than I realized. I have been given a bit more responsibility by my bosses and have moved over to sales engineer. Which means that I will be callig on electrical contractors, and dealing with their issues. Should be interesting, especially given the current state of our economy and our nation.

Wow! I really am too tired. On that note here is te link to the October pictures on Shutterfly .

Sweet dreams to all!


Anonymous said...

Isaac has the most beautiful, interesting eyes...they're so expressive! It's fun to see him sit up, and to see what he is doing. Keep those pictures coming!! Give him a big smoochy kiss from his Bubbi and Zayde!
Love to all,

Danaly said...

Wow!! I'm in awe of how you guys have pulled off the transition of you going back to work E. Isaac seems to be thriving and what a cute little boy he is. He looks so much like Marc, it's amazing!!!! Big kiss from Titi Danaly