Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Little Boy

When I went to the sitter's place this evening to pick up Isaac I found that the baby that I dropped off this morning had morphed into a little boy. I walked in the door and he was standing in his apparent favorite spot at the corner of the coffee table and the couch. He was inching his way to his intended target, his yellow and orange striped toy cat. Remember I said he was determined... Anyway, he looked up and gave me the BIGGEST grin and giggled in pure delight. What an awesome way to be greeted at the end of a long day!

Isaac has a lot to say these days.

Also, I've been solo parenting this week while Marc is in the ATL... Hotlanta that is. In the meanwhile it has gotten quite chilly here! Check out Isaac in his get up this morning.


The Ledfords said...

He looks just like Marc in that bottom picture! Abbie is pulling up on stuff too! It's crazy! Amazing how you can have the worst day at work and then see their sweet smile and it all goes away!!

Arlene said...

What a little fashion-plate Isaac is! Love that color on him. Course, I love anything on him!! Thanks, honey, for adding all of this to the blog. It makes it just a teeny bit easier to bear being so far away...
love you lots...