Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Almost One

Can you believe it?  We have almost hit the one year mark and in the last couple of weeks Isaac has hit some important milestones:
  • First steps
  • Standing on his own
  • Clapping 
  • Things go in things
  • Here take this (handing Mama different objects)
  • Words like Dada, Mama, that and yay (those last two are still intelligible to any one else but Marc and me)
  • Sign language ~ more
  • Dancing... the kid has rhythm!
  • Temper... especially if he is hungry or tired
  • 6 new teeth ~ 4 on top and 2 new ones on the bottom for a total of 8 chompers.
  • Sleeping 11 1/2 hours each night... thank GOD!


Danaly said...

He's precious! That first year flies by, doesn't it?!

elizinashe said...

what a beautiful boy!! I could just eat him up. You guys did some pretty work. ;)