Saturday, April 18, 2009

Isaac's 1st Birthday

Check out this great video of Isaac enjoying his 1st birthday cake and first real taste of sugar! Special appearances by Andy, Jack and Alicia Elbert, Aaron, Shefa and Jonah Sharkey, Lea Rominquet and Daddy Marc. We're so proud of our little boy and can't believe that we now have a toddler... my god! This past year has been crazy and I feel like the whirlwind is yet to come. Isaac has grown sooo much in this past month. It seems like he changes a bit more each day. You can see him become more aware of himself and the world around him. I love seeing things through his eyes and feel this strong sense of responsibility to show him as much of the world as I can. Phew...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I love that halfway through he finds an extra nugget of cake! :)