Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Growing Boy!

Look how much our little boy has grown!

Isaac one week old

Isaac 10 weeks old

He had his 2 month check up today and was 24 1/4" long and weighed 12 lbs 10 oz. Which means that he as grown 5" and gained almost 5 lbs since he was born. Wow...they get big so quickly!!

His Aunt Donna was here for a visit this past week and we had a very good time catching up. She got to do what she's been dying to do...hug, kiss, and hold Isaac for hours on end. I have to express how grateful I was to have her here. She has always been a roll model for me and it made me feel good to know that she felt like I was doing a good job with Isaac. As a new mom it is nice to get all the positive reinforcement possible. It is easy to get overwhelmed and not be sure that you are doing a good enough job.

Another piece of news...I will be staying home for 12 more weeks. I am not ready to go back to work and give up this precious time with Isaac. He is still so small and to turn him over to some one else to care for feels like I am going to miss out on too much important growth and change. Marc and I went back and forth about the decision and finally concluded that it would be better for me to stay home a bit longer. I wish it could be his whole first year, but am very happy to be able to spend his first 6 months at home with him.

I have added a new album to Shutterfly...enjoy!


The Ledfords said...

Good for you for staying home longer!! I so wish I could do the same - that is awesome. I can't believe how big Isaac is getting!! He is sooo cute!!

Adrienne said...

What a beautiful baby boy!!! I was looking through some e-mail and realized that somehow I missed this blog when I originally read about Isaac's birth. I hope mom and baby (and Marc, of course) are doing well.

Adrienne (sister of Jacqui) of Houston, TX