Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I miss you Dad!

I promised Marc that I would post pictures of Isaac for him while he was traveling on business this week. Every one keeps telling me how much he looks like Marc. I am hoping to get a baby picture of him some time soon so that I can post it for comparison. Marc said that Isaac got my earlobes...gurrrr.

Our next wave of family visits started yesterday. Granny and Grandpa Herriman (my Mom and Step-Dad) arrived for a quick visit on their way up to their property in Yreka, CA. Today my sister-in-law Donna Harter arrived from Waynesville, NC for a week long visit. I feel so blessed to have her here. It makes me a little homesick for the mountains though...

Around the time of Isaac's birth my father announced that he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. They caught it early but it required immediate surgery. I am glad to report that his surgery was a success and he is recuperating nicely at home. The Dr. said that they got 100% of the cancer...which is what we all wanted to hear. Unfortunately Arlene's back has gone out which will apparently keep her out of commission most of the summer. A bad way to spend your summer vacation. Our prayers go out to both of them for speedy recoveries.

Today we were excited to find our that our close friends Andy and Alicia are pregnant and due January 6th...just a few days before my birthday. Isaac with soon have another friend to play with here in the hood!

That is all of our news for today...

1 comment:

The Ledfords said...

I hope you guys had a great anniversary - I wasn't sure if Marc was out of town for it or not. I forgot yours was right near ours! Isaac is adorable in these pictures! Hope you are doing great!