Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Milestones

Just a quick note... Isaac rolled over from his stomach to his back twice today. He also is doing this great airplane imitation with his arms and legs off of the floor while he balances on his stomach. Aaaannnd...pulling his knees up under himself and rocking on his elbows. This kid is going to be moblie before we know it. I will try to get some pictures and or video this week.

We are begining the countdown to Isaac's first trip to Asheville and our dear friends Cassie and Jim's wedding. I am so excited to get back to the mountains and see our friends and family in NC. I'll be curious to see how Isaac takes to traveling... I hope that he will enjoy it.

More pictures soon...


The Ledfords said...

Our babies are getting SO big, aren't they??!! I can't wait to meet him!

Danaly said...

I'm so glad you updated!! Isaac looks so handsome! You need a ticker so I can always see how old he is 'cause I forget. Give him a big kiss from me!