Monday, August 18, 2008

Playing catch up...

I apologize for my lack of blogs for the past month... I have been so busy with Isaac and life in general that it has been difficult for me to do much more than collapse at the end of the day. What will life be like when I go back to work?!?! That is the question that looms over me now. Thankfully I have 6 more weeks to figure that one out...

There is so much new to report that I am not sure where to start. So, here are some of the highlights in no particular order:
  • Isaac is now rolling over from his back to his stomach. So much so that we thought we were going to have to duct tap him to his mattress because he kept waking himself up rolling around in his crib. We took the fabric bumper out but have been rethinking that move because he sometimes gets his limbs caught in the rails. The picture below is of the first time he rolled over in his sleep...
  • Marc's twin brother Evan came for a 2 week visit. The testosterone level in the house was almost unbearable, thankfully the never ending comedy that is the Lao brothers made things a bit better. Ev and Isaac really bonded and Ev dubbed him "Isaac the Giant". Which still makes Isaac giggle...
  • My Father and Step-Mother came for a visit also and we had a very lovely time with them. Isaac and my Dad bonded over horsey rides on his Zadie's knee:

  • I joined a mother's group and met a wonderful group of women and their sweet babies. Isaac is the second oldest of the group. Cecelia is a month older than him. Then there are Maya and Leo who are a month younger. The two other boys, Niko and Oliver are 9 weeks old, and then there is Tula who is now 8 weeks.
  • Isaac is now about 15 lbs and 26" long. He's getting the cutest little rolls on his upper thighs. It is looking like he has brown eyes...but they are still changing color. He loves to smile and giggle...especially when I sing to him.

  • Naps during the day are still challenging. He likes to take 30-40 minute naps every hour and a half to two hours. I have spent many hours reading a number of books about infants and sleep and realized that this is just how he rolls and have given up the idea that he will take two loooong naps. He may grow in to that at a later date but I am not holding my breath.
  • Lastly...our little boy is now sleeping through the night. We start his bedtime routine around 6 each night. First Isaac gets dinner (courtesy of mom) then Marc gives him a bath and I give him a little massage and put on his jammies. Then we rock and I sing him a lullaby (usually "Beautiful Boy" by John Lennon). Generally he's bee sleeping for 8 hours, briefly waking to nurse, and then waking up again about 3 hours later. He then comes to bed with me and we wake up for the day around 8 or 9...I will really miss this dozy time together when I go back to work. It really is the sweetest way to wake up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my gawd he is soooo freakin cute!!! I love the video and the pictures he looks like a little man!!!