Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Morning Lessons

This morning I got up early to get a shower in and a little work done before Isaac woke up. I have figured out that being a working mom means very looooong days, made up of lots of tasks to juggle. I always felt hard pressed to get myself out of the house on time, but now there are two of us to organize. In addition, tomorrow Marc gets the privilege of getting Isaac to Ella so that I can make an early meeting in the city. Which has meant that I needed to get as much organized for him as possible. WAIT!!! How did I become the expert on only my second day of work trying to coordinate this transition???

Anyway, after my shower I discovered that Isaac was already up and starting to complain that he's still in his crib and getting hungry. I get him changed and dressed for the day and then set up his play area in the living room. Once he's settled, lying on his back and playing with his toys, I start to tick off the mental list of things to do in my brain and try to get a few things accomplished while he plays by himself. After a couple of minutes I realize that he's being VERY quite in there and peek around the corner to see what he's up to. To my surprise I find him sitting up playing with a toy... SITTING UP?!? Yep, just sitting there, looking more like a little boy and less like my baby. We've been practicing sitting up for the last week or so, but today was the first time that he sat himself up from a prone position. I called Marc over. He and I oohed and ahhhed over the advanced progress of our little boy. And then a voice in my head said, "wait... don't grow up too fast... I want you to stay small... my baby... time is going by so quickly."

1 comment:

Necia said...

And to think that only 20 years ago you first learned to make a list. Now you're organizing for three!
I definitely second your emotions -I still feel that way.