Friday, March 21, 2008

My Soap Box

I warn you now, this is a hormone infused at your own risk.

As my pregnancy winds down I have found that my once thick skin has gotten a little thinner in places. It amazes me that people feel so free to offer their 2 cents about my body and what I should do when I give birth. Specifically the comments have centered around my decision to have natural child birth. I have lost count at the number of times people have told me that I have to have an epidural. One person this week actually told me that I wouldn't last an hour with out one! Surprisingly the majority of these comments have come from MEN!!! What the f... do they know about giving birth?!? I think some men should be seen and not heard at this stage of pregnancy... it is a world they know nothing about.

This week I have also been told or asked:

" are as big as a house!" Umm... in a way I am temporary housing.

"Are you about to pop?"

"How much weight have you gained?" None ya

"Are you having twins?" Give me a break!!!

Lastly, I feel like I need a t-shirt that says...I'm due April 18th, it is my first pregnancy, it is a boy, and yes, we have picked out a name. I was actually asked the corresponding questions to these answers 28 times in one day. I know that people are curious and are trying to be courteous. I'm just getting tired of answering the same questions over and over... bitchy huh?

Okay... I'm done... for now!


Danaly said...

I hear ya sister and I wish I could tell you it stops when you give birth but sadly enough it just gets worse!

Now, can you imagine the looks we would get if we (as Bradley Moms) were to tell someone... "SO, you let them drug up your baby for no other reason than not to feel the pain?? Wow, that sounds a little selfish, not to mention 'WHAT A WIMP!".

THAT IS WRONG IN MANY WAYS, just because it crosses our minds doesn't mean we need to say it out loud! Same concept applies to the other side!

Not to worry babe, you are going to birth that baby like a champ and NO ONE will be able to take that awesome experience away from you.

I have no doubt in my mind that you can do it!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!!! I frickin love you girl! I know what you mean. I remember those days like it was yesterday. I'm proud of you for doing the natural child birth. Go for it girl and show them all. :)

Anonymous said...

not bitchy, just pregnant, Barb Ariens