Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Time has moved so quickly since our wedding in June. We will have been parents for almost 2 months before we even reach our 1 year anniversary! Mind boggling... seriously. So, to put this in to a bit of perspective I put together a slide show to document the last nine months.



elizinashe said...

Loving the pics, baby. You look so beautiful!! Wish I could be there...

Mama Shark said...

Cool, Elisa. Is there anyway to slow down the picture player? I need more time to read the captions! :)

Elisa said...

If you float your pointer around the bottom of the slide show a pop-up player will allow you to pause and play the slide show. I hope that helps!

The Ledfords said...

Love the pics, and I am loving the blog too! I hope your shower goes great this weekend!!

Anonymous said...

These were great pics! Just loved it. And just love you! I KNOW that your shower was wonderful today, and that you know that your Dad and I were there in spirit. Did you feel our hugs?? Love to Marc and lots of tummy pats to Isaac.