Thursday, April 10, 2008

Counting Down to "D" Day

I was thinking yesterday that now that I am in my 39th week, and Isaac could decide to come any day now, it would be a good idea to post brief daily updates so that if people were curious as to how things were progressing with the pregnancy they could check in here. So, starting today, look for daily updates.

I did go to the Dr. on Wednesday for a check up and everything is going fine. BP is good, he has a strong heartbeat, his head is down, and right now he is in the occiput posterior (OP) position. This means that he could be born facing up rather than down. I'm doing some recommended
exercises to try to encourage him to turn, we'll see how that goes. He seems pretty snug in there. It is possible that he will turn during delivery also so I'm not going to worry about that right now. Dr. Thomas did do a quick ultrasound and I got to see his face, but it was really hard to make details out. She had to point out twice where his eyes, nose and mouth were. I eventually realized that since he is upside down the orientation was making it hard for me to recognize body part. Thinking about his little face on the drive home made me a little emotional and I cried a little thinking about how excited I am to meet and hold him.

When I got home I found Aaron and Shefa in the back yard playing so I hung out with them and sunned my belly. Shefa caught this great picture of Aaron trying to figure out where my bellybutton was.

He's so much fun and wicked smart. We got a chance to hang out together, just the two of us, and play until Jonah got home. We haven't had much one on one time lately and I really enjoyed dancing to Adam and the Ants and playing cars with him.

1 comment:

Danaly said...

Beautiful picture! I am happy you'll be updating every day... I'll be reading and praying Isaac's birth is quick and uneventful.