Thursday, April 3, 2008

Help Support baby Ben and CF

This little boy's story really touched me. He is the son of a friend and I really wanted to do something to help out. Please read the note from my friend Michelle below and contribute if you feel so moved...

As some of you know (and some of you may not), a very close friend of mine had a beautiful baby boy, Benjamin Anthony Pannecouck, on March 10. After surgery and testing, Ben was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis and is currently in the hospital, getting stronger and stronger with everyday. You can see pictures and read more about Ben on the link below.

In support of research and an eventual cure for this disease, please help me reach my goal in my CF walk in San Francisco on May 3rd, and hopefully surpass it by donating whatever you can. Every little bit helps. For more information on CF and to donate easily, please go to the following link: you are interested in donating and do not prefer donating online, please respond to this email and I will contact you. If you know of anyone else who would like to donate, please pass this on. The more awareness, the closer we can come to a cure.

Thank you for your donations and support, it truly means the world to little B

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