Sunday, March 30, 2008


I am officially nearing the end of this pregnancy. I hit 37 weeks on Friday, which means that I am full term . If I were to have Isaac now he would be happy and healthy. We are out of the woods to a certain extent and have hit yet another milestone. The next one is BIRTH! I have to say, I am really going to miss looking down and seeing my baby bump.

Beginning the day that I found out I was pregnant, I have nurtured, caressed and loved this belly in such a new way. Before that discovery I would look at my little round pudge of a tummy and try to figure out which diet or type of exercised could make it finally flatten out. Now I see it in a whole new light. It is Isaac's protection, his home, it has stretched to accommodate his growth. I love watching it undulate with his movements. To feel his back push out beneath my hand as I rub my side, like he enjoys my massages. Soon this safe barrier will be gone and I will be able to hold him in my arms. He will not be protected in the same way that he has been. Marc and I will have to provide that safe haven for him in our home.

I have three weeks until my due date and there are a few things that are left to be done... the list is much shorter though. I am officially working from home starting next Monday and then my last day of work will be April 18th, my due date... if I go that long. Marc has started saying that he thinks that I will go into labor early. I am not as sure... He is definitely head down and at times it feels like he is burrowing into my pelvis. I have just recently been noticing Braxton Hix contractions. As anxious as I am to meet him, I really want to savor these next few weeks before I become a mom. Maybe I'll even get that prenatal massage I have been threatening to book for the last few months!


Danaly said...

I'm with Marc!! My vote is for a few days early as well and I'm not saying that 'cause you are "big as a house" (and a gorgeous house that is!) just a little intuition. Will be counting down the days with you!! I have it in my calendar and everything :)

The Ledfords said...

You hit the nail on the head with the feelings I am experiencing too! And it's funny you should mention the massage -that's exactly what I did tonight! I have to say I wish I had done it earlier in my pregnancy, but if I had been able to be on my side it would have been a lot better I think. I layed on my stomach with two pillows to put my belly between. I was worried the whole time I was squishing here. Just might be something to find out about before you go! Please keep us posted on the next couple weeks!

Anonymous said...

You are so poetic, Elisa! What lovely sentiments you have expressed...Isaac is going to be so lucky to have two such wonderful people as you and Marc are, for parents. (But of course, I'm a little partial, I must admit!!) Keep feeling well, and give your Isaac some loving pats from his Bubbi!
Love to you all,